Yoga Flow for Surfers: Exercises for More Fun in the Waves

Surfing and yoga have long been considered a perfect match. Before hitting the waves, yoga and stretching exercises warm up the body. After the surf session, they help to soften the muscles and prevent soreness. We’ve already explained why even the greatest surf legends swear by yoga in this blog post. Now, let’s get practical!

In this blog post, we’ll show you which yoga exercises are perfect for surfing and how you can easily do them on the beach, at home, or wherever you may be.

First things first

But before you dive into the sand or onto your mat, let’s talk about the most important thing: Your body. When it comes to yoga and these exercises, it’s not about forcing yourself into impossible positions or pushing your flexibility to the limit. It’s about giving your body what it needs – a little wellness before or after wild water activities on your surfboard. So pay attention to your body’s signals, be patient with yourself, and respect your limits – that’s the key to long-term benefits from these exercises.

And why should you incorporate yoga into your surf routine? It’s simple: It improves your balance, flexibility, and (inner) strength – qualities that will also benefit you on the board. Ready? Let’s get started!

Sequence 1: High Lunge, Warrior 2, and Extended Side Angle

Let’s focus on your leg muscles, hips, and side core muscles. Start in High Lunge. Your back leg is straight, and your front leg is bent at a right angle. Raise your arms up high in front of you, keeping your shoulders down. Hold this position for a few breaths.

Now, place your back heel down so that the foot slightly points inward, allowing you to open your hips to the side. Lower your arms to shoulder height and gaze over the front hand – Warrior Two. You should feel the inner thigh muscles working here. To change into Dancing Warrior keep your legs in this position and lean your upper body backward. Your front arm moves up and back over your head as far as comfortable for you. You can lower your back hand onto your extended leg or place the back of your hand towards your shoulder blade. Breathe deeply into your extended side here.


Swim the front arm forward again and place the hand inside next to your front foot – you should be able to gently rest your shoulder against your knee. In fact, you can gently work knee against shoulder, shoulder against knee to go even deeper into opening the front hip. Open the back arm upward, creating a straight line from wrist to wrist. Let your gaze drift to the top hand and enjoy the twist.

If you want a bit more stretch, slide the hand from the floor under your bent knee and find your top hand behind your back. This will bring you into the pose “Parivrtta Baddha Parsvakonasana,” an intense shoulder opener. Repeat the sequence on the other side. You’ll likely feel the difference immediately between the already stretched side!

Sequence 2 – Locust, Bow, and Twist

What’s the first thing you notice after hours of paddling, take-offs, and duck dives the next day? Yep, your back! With the next sequence, you’ll mobilize your spine and open your chest – not only great for relieving back pain but also for a super comfortable lying position on the board when there’s a lull. Start by lying on your stomach.

Now slowly lift your head, arms, and legs off the ground. Engage your core muscles and actively try to lengthen your body in both directions – as if someone is pulling you apart from your feet and head. Think more about length from chin to toes rather than height. Breathe calmly in this Locust pose. To intensify the chest opening even more, move into Bow. Bend your legs, reach around from the outside to grab the tops of your feet, and actively press your feet into your hands. This will automatically lift you off the ground and balance on your hip bones. Make sure to keep your knees parallel, hip-width apart.

As a gentle counter movement to this stretch, shift your hips back towards your heels and extend your arms far forward onto the mat (or sand) – Child’s Pose. Breathe calmly and feel the pleasant length in your entire back.

To release tension in your shoulder muscles from paddling, come into tabletop position and slide one hand under the opposite armpit so that you can rest your head and shoulder on it. Reach with the other hand over your head and sink into the position. Again, repeat this exercise on both sides.

Our Surf & Yoga Camp

At Westsurf Morocco, we’ve long recognized how wonderfully yoga and surfing go together 😉 That’s why our beautiful Yoga Loft sits high atop our Surf Riad in Tamraght. When you come to visit us here, you can practice yoga anytime with a view over the town and out to the sea, harmonizing your body and mind. Several times a week, we also hold guided yoga sessions here tailored to the specific needs of surfers. If you’re interested in learning more, check out our Surf & Yoga package – the ideal camp for those who like everything in one place and organized in a relaxed manner. We would be delighted to welcome you with open arms in the waves and on the yoga mat!


Many of our surf visitors have had real “Ahhhhh” moments with the right stretching and yoga exercises. And by that, we mean the relaxed “Ah” that escapes uncontrollably when true relaxation and a sense of well-being spread throughout the body. We hope that these exercises help you enjoy surfing even more. By doing them regularly, you show your body how much you love it. And rightfully so, as it enables you to enjoy the best hobby in the world, which you certainly don’t want to give up anytime soon, right?

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